Monday 27 February 2012

My second appointment

I've just returned from my second appointment, it was with a Specialist Nurse and she explained that the appointments will be roughly every six weeks with her and the consultant alternately.

As expected in my previous post, which I note was written longer ago than I thought, the effects of the Concerta XL continued to be less obvious. I still didn't nap in the middle of the day but everything else had come back pretty much to how I was before by this last weekend. I was feeling stressed at little things, disorganised, weary and irritable, I haven't been to the gym in two weeks, I forgot to order my tax disc until the middle of last night, I was snacking constantly and not eating lunch properly, I'm completely addicted to flapjacks, lots of things that just feel like normal and is very disappointing.


It turns out that my experience is extremely common with this medication and it's actually very good news. The fact is that the Concerta XL worked, it helped me function and be a better parent. The nurse said that the dose of 34mg is just too low for an adult with my height and weight and now it's all a matter of trial and error. My dose starting tomorrow will be 52mg and I will continue with that until my next appointment in six weeks time. If the same thing happens, if I'm great for a few weeks and then feel it's not working by the end the dose will go up again, if it works and stays working it will stay there and if there's any weird side effects we'll cut it back down and think again about treatment but I should in no way be disheartened. She was very positive that once the dose is right, it will work effectively.

So if anyone out there is like me, has started a few weeks ago and feels like it's stopped working after it was going great don't give up, just keep going and be honest when you have your next appointment.

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