Tuesday 7 February 2012

Settled down

I would say everything has settled down nicely but there have been a couple of mornings where I forgot to take the tablets first thing and it definitely affects my ability to sleep. It's was 12 o'clock before I took them one morning and I was up until around 2.30am completely awake and busy messing around on the computer.

Not sure how to get around the remembering to take them problem, once they've kicked in my mind is clear and my memory is much better but it doesn't help the morning problem! I might try having them by the bed with a glass of water to take as soon as I wake up, at the moment they're in a cupboard above the kettle and if I'm in a rush I don't necessarily have a cup of tea.

I found my mood was a little off as well on the days where I took them late, and again a little headachy so consistency is clearly important to my body.

I hope someone out there is finding this useful, and if there's someone just starting down the same road I hope you find it helps you the way it's helping me. My house actually looks very different, it's not that I'm tidier necessarily, it's that I've tackled big jobs that have been bugging me for ages, there are some fairly dramatic changes in the lounge, bathroom, playroom and the kids rooms have been sorted, clothes taken to the charity shop etc, it's pretty cool. I think soon I'll be at the point where I can look at the day to day tidying and then we'll see what kind of difference it makes. It would be lovely if a month or two from now I'm actually happy to invite people over!

I'm off now as it's my 8th Wedding Anniversary and we're going to go out for the afternoon! Until next time...

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