Wednesday 1 February 2012

Joined a gym and everything!

Checking in again today, I'd say any negative side effects have completely gone now so I'm very pleased, I've got an appointment for review in a couple of weeks but I'll need to request a repeat prescription before then so I'm hoping my GP won't have an issue with that. The dose seems okay, I don't feel particularly different but I'm still managing to achieve more than usual so I think that's a good thing!

I joined a gym over the weekend after a free day on Friday and so far I managed to go on Monday afternoon and this morning and still have time to get the other things on my To Do list. I find I'm making a list every day, usually the night before and it really takes the pressure off. I'm also able to cope with the idea that there may be something I need to do that can wait a couple of days until it's a sensible time to do it, whereas usually I'd just have to get it done even if it was way out of my way, or would make me late for something.

The gym is great, I've got a little 20 minute playlist on my iPod shuffle which is perfect for the treadmill and stops me pushing things to far too fast as my level of fitness is not great. I tried a Pilates class this morning and it wasn't the beginner one, I feel perhaps that may have been too ambitious and I clearly need to try much harder at getting my stomach muscles to work!

The housework is coming on too, still just little changes in most cases but I have plans which is a good start and there are subtle differences around the house that join with the big occasional changes. I'm also enjoying playing with the kids more, and I'm not stressing about school assemblies and other random things that come up as I am remembering things much better.

I will keep posting here to update you all but there's no need to do it daily unless anything happens, what was important was to give an honest overview of starting medication which I hope I've done. We're only two weeks in so there's plenty of time to find that it stops working or that I need a higher dose etc but for now, I'm feeling very positive about the experience.

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