Thursday 26 January 2012

Another cold!

Well, this morning I woke up with a cold, which I'm unimpressed at because I only got over one a couple of weeks ago! It's going to make it hard to distinguish what is caused by the medication and what is because of the cold. I suppose technically the medication could have somehow lowered my defences with the increased activity and not noticing how tired I was therefore leading to higher susceptibility of a cold in the first place.

I had a reasonably good day, not a bad day or a brilliant day, just a generally fine day. I went to the mums and tots group and that went well, spoke to lots of parents, the craft activity that I'd prepared (well in advance for once) went down well and story time flew by so that was good. I went shopping and managed not to buy everything that seemed like a good idea and bought some trainers for £5.10 for my day at the gym tomorrow. My last pair of trainers fell apart some time ago and I booked the day pass for the gym without thinking about the fact that I'd have to buy some so thank goodness I found a bargain!

On the food front, as I know some others out there are wondering about that, I'm still cutting down on food in the day, actually not realising that I haven't eaten in a while but nights are still a problem. I've got low fat WW food in but I'm still not managing to stick with the number of 'points' I'm supposed to have. It's getting better, but it's not there yet. I should be getting weighed tomorrow but it clashes with the gym so I'll have to see if I can work round that to report to you all. Last week I had lost a pound and that's the first weight loss since November!

I didn't crash at 7pm tonight either which was a relief. I'm tired now so I'm off to bed, it would be lovely to get to sleep before midnight!

Until tomorrow..

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