Friday 27 January 2012

Good day after a bad night

I was woken up at 3am today by a really nasty headache. I took ibuprofen and paracetamol and ended up watching a couple of hours of telly before it eased off and I could sleep again. Thankfully when I got up at 8am all was well and I had a day pass to a local gym so had a really good morning actually exercising for a change. I was there from 10.30 until 2.30 which although includes some time in the pool and jacuzzi was mostly spent working out, far more stamina with the Concerta, I'm just dreading all my muscles aching tomorrow!

Having a night in with my hubby and no kids I decided that a curry and a box of chocolates was the best way to undo all the good work but it tasted fab so it was worth it. I did lose 1 1/2lb last week so a small reward was justified.

Feeling alright this evening, it's getting late but we're chilling out in front of the telly, I've just taken some ibuprofen as I can feel a headache coming on so hopefully it won't develop into anything like last night.

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