Sunday 22 January 2012

Ups and downs.

This morning I was really really tired. Okay, so it was 5am when my little one tried to wake me up but I was proper tired and it was 8.30 before I was capable of getting out of bed and heading for my magic pill. I had taken some ibuprofen at around 8.00 as there was some by my bed, and I wonder if it is responsible for the ups and downs in the day. I was fine from about 9.15 until 12.30, at which point I felt irritable and weary. I started to get stressed out by the kids arguing in the car and was getting distracted while driving. It was as though I hadn't taken the medication at all and it lasted a couple of hours.

I came back to clarity again a little later although was still a little impatient off and on during the day. I've ended up staying up late as I wanted to make a patchwork cushion cover that I had prepared last week and been putting off so I had to finish it before I could move on to dropping in here before bed. I'm still contemplating painting the rest of the bathroom if I can't get to sleep which would be a really bad idea as I'd be too tired tomorrow so hopefully getting to sleep won't be too hard.

So an interesting day really, am I getting used to the low dose or did the ibuprofen knock the effects, or is it just general hormones playing with the results, here's hoping tomorrow is a better day!

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