Friday 20 January 2012

Another day, another list...

Another list of things to do that is. I haven't made a list in ages but it seemed logical this morning so I set out all the things that I wanted to get done imminently and came up with a dozen things. I generally feel like there's too many things that need doing, put off some things repeatedly, find it hard to pin down which thing to do and the tablets seem to help with that. I managed to complete seven tasks so that's not bad going. I've made a good start on painting my bathroom, and I've started measuring up for changing around the kids playroom so hopefully tomorrow will see some progress with both projects!

I took the kids to McDonald's after school and we actually ate in for the first time in a long time, having more patience is definitely a benefit, I still wrapped it up fairly swiftly when my son started jumping on the seat and smacking his sister but we managed to get through a good 15 mins of sitting together happily before that!

Last night I slept much better, no kip on the sofa in the evening, there were too many things to do that jumped to mind every time I contemplated it! Yet again it was after midnight when I headed up, I really need to pull that forward to around 11 but looking at the clock it won't be tonight!

I was very headachy today, it started around 2pm and was niggling on and off until about 7pm when it seemed to get much stronger, thanks goes to planetdave at the Adult Attention Deficit Disorder UK forum, here, for letting me know that I could take some ibuprofen to tackle it (and to kameel for a few ideas on headaches and Concerta). I would usually get headaches at this time in my cycle so it's hard to say if the medication has caused the headache or not, if anything I would usually have grabbed painkillers early in the day and topped them up if necessary so the fact that it was late, as my meds were wearing off, when it seemed to get worse may mean that it was masking it in the first place.

Now that it's been a few days I can't say it's like the film Limitless, I haven't written any books yet, and my house is not gleaming from top to bottom, but I'm definitely clearer and more decisive. I've still had a couple of times of flitting from one job to another, or getting distracted by the computer or another little job from what I should be doing, maybe when the dose doubles next week that will lessen more, we'll have to see.

Signing off for the day, night all!

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