Wednesday 18 January 2012

The first day results..

Hmm, what to think about today. On the whole it was very positive, though how much of that was anticipating a better day is impossible to say. I was mildly headachy around 12, but not massively and it didn't last long. The music came back quickly, but only when I wasn't concentrating on something, more as a soundtrack to making a cup of tea or wiping surfaces so that's good.

I definitely felt more patient and willing to play with my son who can be something of a handful, I feel I coped better with his wilder moments and enjoyed playing trains with him more than usual, this is a very good thing. I also walked to the shops with him because I needed to get some things, usually the fact that he was home from pre-school would mean that I'd put it off until the next time he was in school so it was less hassle, if that kind of thing continues I may actually start to find that when all three are in school I'm not just cramming in all the errands I've been putting off and have a little time to myself.

I also remembered to collect the kids on time, and in fact was 5 mins early which is unusual for me, and remembered to go to a meeting at school, arriving on time for that. Definitely a bonus!

Did I feel dramatically different? No. But I did feel a little lighter in general, walking up the hill to get the kids wasn't such a chore and cleaning up after dinner was done before I realised I was doing it, this is exactly the kind of help I need. The house is not immaculate after a one day magic pill, it would take an awful lot longer than a day to deal with this lot, but it's got little bits that are better. Not only did I put the washing on but I dried it and put it away instead of forgetting about it, when things needed sorting through I just did it, and long term that could be a valuable change.

The other thing I haven't done as much today is snacking. I usually chain drink tea (or at least make tea that I heat up twice in the microwave) and can't pass the kitchen cupboards without furtling through them. I've been on every diet going and they all start off great and end with indifference and weight going back on so the fact that I haven't eat a few Milky Ways, biscuits and other assorted goodies has got to be a good thing. I'm starting to contemplate a snack now but given that it's just gone 9pm that's not bad going, I haven't had anything since dinner! If weight loss comes with a clean house and a healthy playing relationship with my kids, I think 'a little bit headachy' is worth it!

Roll on tomorrow, I'll take it in the morning (so long as I remember) and write to you all again in the evening.

Thanks for reading!

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