Thursday 19 January 2012

Sleepless on the sofa yet second day success

The first night didn't quite go as planned after such a positive day but how much of it is due to the medication and how much due to my three year old is hard to say.

It was my fault I went to bed at the usual late hour, it was 12.15am and I really should have tried harder to go before that. I didn't have too much trouble falling asleep after a little reading but my son decided that waking me up and climbing into bed just after 2am would be a good plan. This is not all that unusual but usually I'm sleepy enough to drift off again. Not last night. I was too hot, I wasn't comfortable, I wasn't going to sleep, so although I probably drifted into little bites of sleep by 5am I'd had enough and headed to the sofa.

I deliberately forced myself to stay away from the laptop and this blog at that hour as I knew I needed sleep, and I probably fell asleep around 5.30am only to be woken by the same small boy at 6am who wanted to know where I had got to. It was Peppa Pig time so I stayed with my blanket on the sofa and drifted in and out of sleep until 7.30am when I decided it was time to give up.

This kind of sleep pattern would usually lead to a very grumpy and irritable day, and it's PMT time too so I should be a monster. I was interested to know what would happen after I took my second dose of Concerta XL (which is 18mg for this first week in case I didn't mention that) at 8.00am.

I functioned perfectly well during the day despite the lack of sleep and haven't been at all sleepy until 7.30pm when I was reading a story to my son, it hit pretty hard and I found it hard to focus on the story. It seems to have passed now but seeing as my husband is out and about I may kip on the sofa for a bit.

I was a little headachy again, strangely enough around 12 again, so I'm wondering if it's linked to food. I usually snack a lot in the morning but again today I had breakfast and then didn't go snack hunting at all until lunch so maybe it's a shock to the system! With taking the tablet earlier I have to say I'm starting to feel that it's pretty much gone, it's 8.40pm and I feel that little bit more irritated and muddled. I also shouted at the girls for making too much noise while getting the little one down and realised I'd been pretty mellow with them up until that point! I even took them out for a drink and a cake after school which I haven't done in ages.

I'm also finding it easier to 'chat' with people. I'm definitely less self conscious and awkward when talking in a group, I co-run a Mums and Tots group on Thursday mornings so it was a good time to see how I got on talking to other volunteers and parents, I feel like I'm more attentive to the other person and more patient instead of constantly thinking 'I get the gist, I just need to sort out this...', it was far more relaxed.

So again, another positive day, I might need to buy a better coat though as I keep arriving at school early to pick the kids up and it's freezing out there! The time thieves have definitely been kicked into touch at the moment. Usually I look at the clock and think, 'Hmm 3 o'clock, I need to head off for the kids soon' and then next thing I know it's 3.25pm and I've got 5 minutes to get down there, park and walk up to the gates! I was stood at the gates at 3.18pm today, first one there!

I'm hoping that sleep isn't a big problem tonight, I'm fairly positive that without today's dose I'd have been useless but a build up of patchy sleepless nights isn't going to be a good thing. So I'm off to the sofa, I might even heat this cup of tea up again. I'll let you all know tomorrow how it goes!

Thanks for checking in with me!

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